You believed in nothing
so it is true
dead men do not die twice
you maintained your spot
in the depression room
that loyal embrace of sinister arms
the staleness of your lips tells the story
the amateur pond of flesh to rot forever
you allowed those disjointed fingers
uncock the bottle
draining its content down your oesophagus
a mixture of oceans and death
it tickled/ you laughed
the liquid sank happily in your stomach
you laughed even harder
but you knew
“death” was its pseudonym.
You chose this path
tired of fighting –
The red sky has bled enough
our tears are locked
in our eyes and hearts
you’ve ruined us
…(In memory of Chukwuemeka Akachi)
Chidiogo Akaelu is currently a final year student of English and History in the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. She has chains of poems, short stories and flash fictional works to her credit. She hopes to expand her writing prowess as she drinks from the creative springs of already established writers.